On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 10:53:46AM +0200, I. Forbes wrote:
> -   It seems, that at this point in time,  xfs is more stable than
>     reiserfs.  However I am not sure if that is because fewer people
>     have tried it, and hence fewer people have experienced problems. 
>     Are there many xfs users our there?  Is the development active? 
>     If not is it because the xfs is stable, or has the xfs initiative
>     lost momentum? 

 Although XFS is cool in many ways, the port for linux is pretty much
 a hack. I work for a company that is doing alot of development with
 XFS on Linux, although we are forced to use it, because it works with
 LVM growing filesystems etc. ReiserFS supports fs growth, but not over
 an LVM.

 I suggest ext3, it's the most solid codebase, and provides the best
 overall performance. We use it (ext3) for all other  products except for
 this one that uses LVM (Can't really talk about the product, since
 it's still in development).

  Nick Jennings

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