On Wednesday 21 November 2001 14:31, Hereward Cooper wrote:
> Once upon a time (actually it was more like Wed, 21 Nov 2001
> 10:31:09 -0500),
> "Robb Kidd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jesse Goerz wrote:
> > >                   ... [boss] wanted to buy
> > > a Cobalt but I recommended we install a smoothwall machine
> > > instead. [...] Whatever I install I have to be able
> > > to convince him that he can semi-administer it if I'm not
> > > there.
> > >
> > > Is there a debian-firewall/router distro similar in
> > > function to smoothwall?
> What about gibraltar, debian based and action packed (but it
> requires knowledge to set it up).
> www.gibraltar.at
> Hereward

Thanks, I'm checking it out.

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