Hi all

I've been down the single mailbox/fetchmail path many times. If you do this
expect regular support calls from irate customers whose email never made it to

The only real solution (except running your own mail server) is a separate mail
box for all. I have found that many ISPs will now do this for free as apart from
the setup there are no extra resources used. And any good ISP has automated
'unique' mail box set up online, so you create and configure your own. Look for
'Unlimited pop accounts' in your ISP. This should not cost any more.

By no extra resources I mean that the mail server still has to process the same
amount of mail. And apply the same rules.

Kind regards
Glenn Hocking

Craig Sanders wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 12:16:27PM +0100, KOZMAN Balint wrote:
> > I use procmail to sort incoming mails downloaded via fetchmail among
> > my internal users. The procmail rules refer to the To, cc, bcc
> > headers, but if someone subscribes to a mailing list, his/her address
> > won't be among these.
> >
> > Any ideas?

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