On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 00:55, Jason Lim wrote:
> Not really... i think of it as helping to cure the disease and helping to
> clean up the problem, not eliminating both because it is impossible to
> cure the disease completely. Unfortuantely if you work with a medium to
> large number of various equipment (or even a small number if you're
> unlucky) you're bounded to be cracked sooner or later. Even the strictest
> security policy and such won't guarentee 100% protection. Another way to
> do this would be to go Russell's way (the ideal way) and run a RAID array
> with 3 drives, 2 live and 1 spare, and the sync the spare up every 24
> hours. However, this would require 3 drives instead of 2... $$$ and space.
> For the average server between 2-4 drives, this would mean a minimum of
> 6-12 drives compared to 4-8. The server cases wouldn't even hold 12
> drives. They could hold up to 8 or so. So money isn't the only
> consideration. Then you have to consider that even if we could somehow
> place that many drives in the average rackmount case, overheating... power
> supply issues...etc. come into play.

So go with my original suggestion and use only double the number of drives.

> You might say "tape backup"... but keep in mind that it doesn't offer a
> "plug n play" solution if a server goes down. With the above method, a
> dead server could be brought to life in a minute or so (literally) rather
> than half an hour... an hour... or more.

You can make a tape backup into plug-and-play.  It wouldn't be that difficult 
to do it.

With the amount of time I've spent discussing this issue on this list I could 
have created some floppy boot disks that restore an entire system from a tape 
(presuming that I had a tape drive to test things with).

http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/     Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/postal/       Postal SMTP/POP benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/projects.html Projects I am working on
http://www.coker.com.au/~russell/     My home page

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