On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 23:11, Tim Haynes wrote:
> Noah Meyerhans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 10:50:19PM +0100, Julian Mehnle wrote:
> >> At least *I* have started sending spam reports via spamcop.net. The
> >> policy states:
> >
> > I don't bother with spamcop.net, but rather I contact the offending
> > party's ISP directly if at all possible.
> [snip]
> Out of interest, has anyone considered server-side Razor and/or RBL/Orbz
> checks to flag these mails in their headers?

Here are the RBL lists I use:
blackholes.mail-abuse.org, dialups.mail-abuse.org, relays.mail-abuse.org, 
inputs.orbz.org, relays.osirusoft.com, relays.ordb.org, bl.spamcop.net

The last one bl.spamcop.net is the latest addition.  It dynamically adds IP 
addresses to it's list based on spam reports received, and it catches lots of 
spam that the other lists (which wait for manual review) don't get.

When I receive mail to my personal addresses I always report it to spamcop.

When I see mailing list mail that arrived some time ago (more than an hour) 
then I don't bother reporting it on the theory that someone else already has. 
But if mailing list arrives while I'm online I report it ASAP so that 
spamcop's RBL will register the IP while the spammer is in the middle of 
sending out the spam and interrupt their spamming!

However all of this doesn't do much good while the mailing list servers don't 
implement any filtering.  I think that all mailing lists should check for 
valid MX or A records on the from address and use some of the RBL lists to 
prevent spam from entering the list.

I've CC'd debian-isp and BCC'd debian-ipv6 as this discussion really belongs 
on the ISP list.

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