On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Roger Abrahamsson wrote:

> But what happens now if you allow every user to run scripts through 
> suexec beneath public_html?
> that means they "have" to own their public_html directory and thus 
> always can change the access bits
> and delete it, causing the server to refuse restarting?

Earlier in this thread I wrote:
| (owned by)   (directory)
| root         client1/
| root         client1/logs/
| root         client1/site1/
| client1      client1/site1/cgi-bin/
| client1      client1/site1/htdocs/
| root         client1/site2/
| client1      client1/site2/cgi-bin/
| client1      client1/site2/htdocs/
| root         client1/site3/
| client1      client1/site3/cgi-bin/
| client1      client1/site3/htdocs/
| root         client1/site4/
| client1      client1/site4/cgi-bin/
| client1      client1/site4/htdocs/
| root         client2
| root         client2/logs/
| root         client2/site1/
| client2      client2/site1/cgi-bin/
| client2      client2/site1/htdocs/
| root         client2/site2/
| client2      client2/site2/cgi-bin/
| client2      client2/site2/htdocs/

Please tell me which directory you mean when you refer to »public_html«.


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