> > >
> > > > SO... if you plan on receiving email from me or Asia, I suggest
> > use
> > > > RBLs with clear listing and removal policies and methods (eg. the
> > I
> > > > listed above, and others),
> > >
> > > This is a good policy.  Using DNSBL's that don't have some
> > > resolution method for a black listing is risky.  However, osirusoft
> > > does have a resolution policy, contrary to your complaint.
> >
> > No they don't...
> Yes, they do.  We can go back and forth on this all day, but they
> do have a resolution policy.  The fact that you don't LIKE that
> resolution policy, or that you PERSONALLY cannot satisfy the
> requirements of that policy, doesn't mean they don't have one.

If you call jumping off a building a resolution method, I don't. Telling
people to go to NANAE only breeds hatred and bad feelings for everyone,
since the regulars in that list will just flame you to kingdom come,
whoever you are.

What I call a resolution method are those used by ORDB.org, SPAMCOP.net,
VISI.com, and plenty of other ones.

> > > Simply fix the problem, then ask for a retest.  If you retest OK,
> > > then you get taken off the BL.
> >
> > Not possible. Joe has not listed iAdvantage as an open relay, nor
> > that you can get off.
> Which means, quite simply, that iAdvantage hosts spammers, and refuses
> to remove them.

If you'd go the newgroup that Joe Jared tells you to go to in his listing,
you'd see the so called "large amount" of complaints about iAdvantage.
Have you actually looked?

> > you can visit
> > the militany NANAE newsgroup for resolution, but if you take a look at
> > messages there.... ugh... swearing at each other, threats, etc. Take a
> > look for yourself.
> Been there.  Seen it.  There are two sides to this issue, and when
> you put 'em both on the same news group, you'd better expect
> flames, especially when they are so totally diametrically opposed.

This only supports my previous statment that telling people to go to NANAE
for so-called resolution is a farce.

> > > Mind you, lists like xbl.selwerd.cx have neither a resolution
> > > NOR a nomination policy.  An ip address can end up being black
> > > listed simply because some OTHER ip address initiated some spam.
> > >
> > > Now there is a list to REALLY complain about!
> >
> > Well, I don't think many people are really go and use xbl.selwerd.cx.
> It would be a poor idea to use it as a BL.  Even they don't use
> their own list to block, just to provide "warnings" (supposedly).

> > There are plenty of super militany groups like selwerd like blars.org
> > think?) and others.
> blars, like selward, lists entire net blocks.  As I said, I find this
> far to fanatical for my personal taste.

Shall I remind you that OSIRUSOFT is blocking entire net blocks?

A large chunk of traffic from HK, in fact.

> >
> > Sure they are. relays.osirusoft.com is a combination of other RBLS
> > spews,
> Oh!  I see what you meant, now.  Yes, you are correct.
> That's what I meant by a little cross fertilization.  But, most of
> the RBL's queried by the query page are not feeds into osirusoft's list.

Yeap... i know. When I talk about "relays.osirusoft.com" I'm not actually
referring to their rblcheck utility... I am 99.9% of the time referring to
their actual block list.

> > and also Joe Jared's own personal list. It is Joe Jared's own
> > personal list that is the problem . . .
> A problem for . . . who?  You, personally?

Shouldn't that be a problem for you as well? You are using a list that is
contrived by a single person, including his own biased opinions, etc. Are
you willing to let your orgainization's communications be controlled by a
single person's biased opinions?

As I said, I FULLY SUPPORT blocking of abused open relays (ala ORDB and
many others), and individual IPs (ala Spamcop and many others), but not
the full blocking of netblocks or countries (ala Blars, xslwerard,
osirusoft, etc.).

There are plenty of good RBLs to use... see
http://www.declude.com/JunkMail/Support/ip4r.htm for a big list. It's not
as if osirusoft is your only option... why you defend them so much eludes
me, especially with so many better lists out there.

> I just did.  mail.iadvantage.net resolves to:
> When I query against relays.osirusoft.com, a
> is returned.
> And since this MTA is being used by spammers and spamvertisers,
> it is quite reasonably black listed.

Nope... not "THIS" mta... you mean the entire net blocks?

try and many others around that

202.85.153-178.* is being blocked, along with a lot more....

203.194.128-191 .* is another

As you can see, a good amount of HK is being blocked by OSIRUSOFT... a lot
of HK that has nothing to do with spam. iAdvantage specialize in providing
redudant bandwidth... so everyone that uses them is being blocked.

> Therefore, osirusoft DOES have a resolution policy.  Get
> iAdvantage to terminate the accounts of its spammers, make
> sure its servers are secure, ask for retest for forms sake,
> then request that they be removed.

I'll repeat, THERE IS NO TEST. There is NO way to get out unless you argue
with the militants at NANAE... I life is too short to waste time arguing
with those people. It's a rather fruitless exercise.

And since Joe Jared has iAdvantage on his own personal biased list... why
do you think there is a chance in hell he'll take em off? Find "all the
compaints" he tries to talk about... and you'll soon find how few there
are in comparison to the other big ISPs.

Also... SHOW me all the spammers. SEARCH google groups for it. COMPARE
that to Rackspace, Sprint, and other USA companies, and tell me the volume
of complaints is anywhere near those US companies.

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