On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 10:42:06PM +0900, Nathan wrote:
> Write a perl (or python, or bash, or whatever your poison is) program 
> to do something intelligent with the numbers, being aware that they get 
> reset to 0 if the machine reboots, etc. You might find they roll over 
> at some particular number, so you might want to find out what that 
> number is. (Probably a 32bit unsigned int).

I think the only reliable solution is to have a counter that is reset
when you query it.  Can SNMP support that?

Iptables could be one way of doing it.  If you ivoke the iptabeles
command with -v then you get verbrose output, which includes byte
counters then -x to sure the exact value of numbers instead of say 100K
and -Z will reset the counter.  I'm not sure what exists in the way of
an iptables perl module.

Jeremy Lunn
Melbourne, Australia
http://psi.sf.net/ - Jabber client for Linux/win32/MacOS.

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