On Fri, 2002-09-27 at 07:38, axacheng wrote:
> Hell List :
>       I have a directory named /home restricted to HD space by quotatools2.
> NOW,i need use quota to restrict my user's Maildir ONLY and other directory 
> DON'T restricted by quota.... such as

One wat is probably to create a seperate partition to store all the
Maildirs on, and putting quota's on there. Then symlink all the user's
maildirs to the new location.

I don't use this method myself, since I store the maildirs on a
non-shell server that has quota support built into the imap/pop server.

Mark Janssen -- maniac(at)maniac.nl -- GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
Unix / Linux, Open-Source and Internet Consultant @ SyConOS IT
Maniac.nl Unix-God.Net|Org MarkJanssen.org|nl SyConOS.com|nl

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