I would be interested to see where you get evidence for your statement:

"simply, the cost of mantaining a debian box is
lower than running a redhat boxen,"

Now, suppose something goes wrong with your server... maybe it's a
hardware problem, maybe it's a software problem. So you call up tech
support of the server manufacturer. As soon as you tell them you're
running Debian, Gentoo, or some other non-certified and thus non-supported
distro, they'll say "Sorry, we can't help you there. There are hundreds of
Linux distributions out there, and we cannot possibly know the little
quirks and issues for each and every one of them. Please install a
certified and supported distribution.". And that statement would be fair
enough... because it is true. Each distro does do things a little
different here and there, and when it comes time to debug problems, it's
those little quirks of each distro that can get in the way of a speedy

Redhat, Mandrake, etc. are the market leaders. Debian can probably never
surpass them in terms of numbers. However, if we can at least join the
market leaders in getting certified and supported, it'll make a big
difference both "appearance-wise" and "vendor support-wise".

This is my concern. And I was hoping that more of you guys running Debian
in commercial environments would feel the same way, but perhaps you don't
care about this issue, or you do not see it as important (perhaps you've
found a way around this, or you have a solution?) If so, please share it
with the rest of us.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Borges (lex)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "debian isp" <debian-isp@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective

El jue, 10-10-2002 a las 03:07, Jason Lim escribió:

> And think of the bigger picture. How do you expect a university, a
> business with hundreds of employees, etc. to select Debian over Redhat
> one of the so-called "compliant" distros)? Remember most purchases have
> run by non-tech people, so it doesn't matter how good Debian is "behind
> the scenes"... if they ask the critical question "is it supported by our
> vendors", which do you think they'll choose, Debian or Redhat?

Well... that is the thing.... i work for the vendor... there is a market
for support in the debian platform u know? And its business case against
vendor-supported 'standards-compliant' distribution is as good as the
OSS vs. Propietary.... simply, the cost of mantaining a debian box is
lower than running a redhat boxen,  thus if you sell say, managed
servers for datacenters, you are better using debian as a platform.

Also, HP still supports debian.... now, one thing is true, debian is for
vertical markets and infrastructure... it will never be a Joe User box
cause Joe likes to share software back and forth... hes better off with
a RH based distro (somehow, since he can more reliably install rpms that
his haXor friends pass him). Now, if you run your servers like Joe here,
then debian is definitely not for you.


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