On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 12:09, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Is there a way to make either Apache or Squid (preferrably Squid, but
> I can go either way here) proxy requests from the outside world to
> machines that are inside a network inaccessable to the outside world?
> Like, say, requests to /whatever go to host/whatever, where host is
> unreachable outside.

This is called reverse-proxying, and is possible with the
apache-proxying module. You should be able to find all documentation on
the apache website (http://httpd.apache.org/docs)

I've had this working a long time ago on some company servers, but I
can't access those at the moment to copy/paste the correct rules to you.

Mark Janssen -- maniac(at)maniac.nl -- GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
Unix / Linux, Open-Source and Internet Consultant @ SyConOS IT
Maniac.nl Unix-God.Net|Org MarkJanssen.org|nl SyConOS.com|nl

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