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On Tuesday 19 November 2002 19:15, Nate Campi wrote:

> > djbdns/tinydns IS faster,
> Careful with statements like "foo is faster" unless you can back it up.

Well... i tried bind 8/9 and djb on same hw (os: linux) and it was faster.
I used queryperf (comes with bind source - /contrib)

BTW: i am running bind 9.21. :]

If only djb's sw would be free so ppl could just download a binary package 
for their OS. (i would love to type 'apt-get install djbdns' one day....)

> and dnscache on certain OS's and hardware that served huge amounts of
> traffic running BIND.


"BIND 9 is now fully multithreaded, allowing full utilization of 
multiprocessor systems for installations that need it."

So bind9 should work better on smp systems ? 
And I have no smp machine to test. Anyone else ?

What i like about V9 are views, but i found a problem when i use same zone 
files on different views - i just get strange errors or no zone transfers...

> converting a lot of sparc boxes to woody in the near future ;)

We are all linux shop. :]
Last solaris box was powered off a month ago.

> > policy and there is no support for CIDR. I want to restrict recursion to
> > networks smaller/bigger then /24. /16 etc.
> Use a script, you don't have to manually enter all the blocks.

aaaiiiee... what happens when we switch to IPV6 ? 

> The OpenBSD people are planning a replacement too, but that's a ways
> off.

so.....we are still stuck with bind. aren't we ?

- -- 
"We should not be trying to use technical solutions
to solve a social problem."  
[Thomas R. Stephenson ("about SPAM" - Pegasus list 16.12.1999)]
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