Thanks a lot for those informations.

In fact, I need a stable radiusd BUT I have to extend the authentification to 
access a private (protocol) database.

Then, I need to extend a web proxy/contexte manager to access this radius 
server so I need to easily developpe a radius client.

I seems that OpenRadius is what I !:-)
Is there any debian package for OpenRADIUS ?
Is the client can make specifics requests : accounting/start/stop ?


On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 12:35:28 +0100, Emile van Bergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  | Hi,
  | On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 11:39:37AM +0100, Francois Chenais wrote:
  | > Hello, 
  | > 
  | >   I'm looking for a (the best) radiusd server.
  | >   I also need radius dev libraries to developpe a radius client.
  | > 
  | >   What is the bettet choice ?
  | Warning: I'm heavily biased towards OpenRADIUS, as I'm its author.
  | Nonetheless, I'll try to give a fair comparison:
  | * Cistron RADIUS: mature, stable, works well, not modular, has
  |   a client (no library through).
  | * FreeRADIUS: supports a huge number of modules, is the new standard,
  |   widely used, comes with client (no library AFAIK).
  | * OpenRADIUS: offers more flexibility than FreeRADIUS in the
  |   dictionary and policies, has a language-independent FastCGI-like
  |   module interface. Has no client library either, but a client that you
  |   can use from your own programs by running it on a pair of pipes;
  |   supports large numbers of concurrent requests, redundant target
  |   servers, and on the fly PAP and CHAP password encoding.
  | "Best" depends on what you want to use it for. If you want stability,
  | simplicity and excellent Livingston-compatibility, go with Cistron
  | RADIUS. 
  | If you need a SQL backend, a session database, lots of features, go for
  | FreeRADIUS.
  | If you need more flexibility and stability than FreeRADIUS and can live
  | with the limited choice of modules (ASCII files, LDAP or Unix password
  | db), go for OpenRADIUS.
  | Cheers,
  | Emile.

Debian SID
Linux tanna 2.4.20-freeswan-ipvs-xfs #7 SMP Tue Feb 11 11:01:05 CET 2003 i686 
unknown unknown GNU/Linux
Linux Counter #59413
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