I believe that the nycwireless Pebble image is under 64MB. It isn't a full distro, just an image intended for WLAN router/bridges running on the soekris hardware:


It has some great features if you're interested in building your own WLAN stuff.


Thomas Lamy wrote:
Randy Kramer wrote:

On Wednesday 05 March 2003 02:42 pm, Russell Coker wrote:

Just install a small Debian system.

That might be exactly what I want to do (for a different purpose).

<aol> Me too! </aol>

What's the smallest someone on the list has installed, and what's the easiest way to go about doing it?

I needed a WLAN Router 3 weeks ago, and didn't want to start with a new distro (I really like debian). I did the standard install (basedebs only), and removed portmap, NFS, lpr, gcc and the like, added only wireless tools and shorewall. That way I brought it down to ~200 MB (which would fit on a 256 MB CF-Card), and I'm sure it would be possible to even get under 100 MB (delete /usr/share/doc etc).

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