On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 17:54, Thomas Lamy wrote:
[installing multiple servers]

For large scale/frequent installation happenings: fai
Don't use it myself, but I hear it's really great when you've set it all

Personally: I only have to set up an occasional Debian machine now and
then. For just installing a few servers, I'd do this:

 - create your own debian.tar.gz, with a minimal installation. Then when
you have a new machine, just boot any Linux cd, partition/mkfs the hd,
'tar xzf debian.tar.gz' and run lilo. Reboot. Some experts probably
don't take much longer to do the base install.

What you're looking for: 'dpkg --get-selections > file' and 'dpkg
--set-selections < file && dselect'

The two calls to dpkg are probably deprecated as dpkg-query should be
used. Not sure, though.

Others on this list can also tell you how to export/import the debconf
database - I'm not an install guru. fai does handle that, too, I'm told.
search the archives for threads mentioning fai - there's 3 other tools
doing similar things, I think.

-- vbi

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