On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 04:13:30PM +0100, Markus Welsch wrote:
> >Yes, it's a great Romanian AV software.
> >But why not try a GPL software first -- ClamAV?
> I didn't take a look at ClamAV yet! I need a stable, proven-to-work 
> solution which will still work fine under heavy load.

I use Amavis + uvscan (McAfee) + spamassassin. There is a script to do
FTP updates automatically every night.

It works very well, but it requires quite a lot of resources. I
believe this is more because of spamassassin (Perl interpreter),

With 1 GB RAM and a PIV, it can handle about 100 msg/minute.

Nicolas Bougues
Axialys Interactive

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