On Thursday 03 April 2003 21:08, Russell Coker wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 17:46, Andrew Miehs wrote:
> > hmmm.. Isn't it better to try and have swap in the middle of the disk?
> > That way you always have about the same access time? Problem is, just
> > because I
> That may be the case for sporadic swap access (this is really difficult to
> benchmark however).
> But if your machine starts thrashing then you want the swap on the fastest
> part of the disk.

I'd guess that if your machine starts thrashing, you have other problems than 
worrying about swap performance. On a server, swap usage should imho be the 
rare exception. On a desktop, you'll see more swapping, with 
kde/gnome/whatever having grown as they are today (180M swap being used on my 
384M desktop - and no sound/video/graphics app  with big data loaded).

-- vbi

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