On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 20:03, Markus Welsch wrote:
> i have a few questions regarding dns records for using in a mysql db.the 
> current layout looks like this:
>       type            A
>                       CNAME
>                       MX
>                       NS
>                       PTR
>                       SOA

Well there are a few more... 'TXT' for text records, AAAA for ipv6 A
records... there are probably more, check the RFC's...

Mark Janssen -- maniac(at)maniac.nl -- GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
Unix / Linux, Open-Source and Internet Consultant @ SyConOS IT
Maniac.nl Unix-God.Net|Org MarkJanssen.org|nl SyConOS.com|nl

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