On Sun, 06 Apr 2003 22:04:32 +0200, Markus Welsch wrote:

>> Well, performance is not a problem for me. As I already mentioned I'm just 
>> hosting a dozen of domains with only a couple of (low-use) mailboxes 
>> altogether.
>Well that really doesn't make a difference, but nevermind !

Well, I think it does. Solutions that are perfect for my needs are probably 
just inacceptable for "real" ISPs (because of the lack of performance, 
comfort, billing facilities, etc.)

>> Sure, but I like the option of quickly having a glance at them using 
>> in case something goes wrong etc. This way I can ssh in and remove 
>> mails, instead having to telnet to 110 and DELE it.
>Well you could also set up webmail if you don't like to telnet.

That's right. I will be doing that, in fact, using OpenWebMail (which seems to 
run great UNLESS the home directories are on NFS, which won't be the case for 

>What do you count to "offending mails" ?

Well, HUGE messages which users can't (or don't want to) download, and which I 
can easily delete using Mutt on the mbox file.

>> What exactly does the above do? I'm sorry but I don't quite get your point.
>Well I thought you meant just for some hosts e. g. the mailserver host 
>you would like to have local deliverage and for all others you would 
>like to use cyrus.

Call me stupid but I still don't quite get you. Maybe you would like to 
explain me your point off-list?

>I don't think not using mbox and rather using a better way is not a 
>mistake. And I wouldn't also limit the decision of which 

You're absolutely right, but as I said (because I'm quite familiar with Exim) 
I would like to stick with it unless there are serious (or even compelling) 
reasons to move away fromit. And "better performance" isn't a reason for me 
since the server will be 99% idle all the time.

>POP3/IMAP-server to use just because a MUA can't handle the format of 
>the server ...

Again you're absolutely right, and now that you have reminded me of webmail 
this point is no longer an issue for me.

>> This option I will only consider if there is NO OTHER WAY. I've once 
>> to do that and I have very soon regretted that I did so, so I don't want to 
>> repeat that mistake again.
>Those are just php scripts and a sql database creation script. You do 
>not need to compile anything, etc. All it checks for is if you have 
>webserver, php, etc installed.

Ok, in that case I might use it if I don't find a better "environment" for my 



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