On Tuesday 15 April 2003 11:45, I. Forbes wrote:
> Hello All
> I have had a number of cases with disk's reporting as "failed" on
> systems with IDE drives in software RAID 1 configuration.
> I suppose the good news is you can change the drive with minimal
> downtime and no loss of data. But some of my customers are
> querying the apparent high failure rate.

Could it be that all failures are with a certain series of IBM disks? We've 
had a failure rate of 3 out of 10 disks within two or three months, all of 
them IBM and of the same series. (No, I can't remember which models, I don't 
work at that place anymore). No RAID setups, just normal use in workstations.

It was discussed quite a bit in many places, I think on the linux kernel list 
is a reference that it was actually a firmware problem of those disks.

-- vbi

random link of the day: http://fortytwo.ch/sienapei/zafeigah

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