On Sat, 2003-04-19 at 07:08, dl wrote:
> I maintain a server that hosts game files for another company. The company 
> wants 
> to know how many successful downloads of the game was completed - not just 
> transfers that started but didn't complete.
> I'm thinking the best way to pull out this info is to find each host in the 
> logs, and combine the bytes transferred to see if it equals the size of the 
> file.
> Is there any easier way to do this? Has anyone ever dealt with such a 
> situation 
> before and can provide some advice?

Be aware that some evil download utilities do multiple simultaneous
partial download requests; ie request bytes 0-16K, bytes 16k-32k,
32k-48k etc all at once. They do this to "steal" more bandwidth in an
attempt to achieve a faster download. There may be multiple requests for
any partial downloads that did not complete.

This means many of those "partial downloads" may in fact be parts of a
successful download. When you factor in proxies obscuring the origin of
the request, not caching partial requests, or sometimes doing whole file
requests for a clients partial request, it becomes very hard to figure
out. Good luck.

Donovan Baarda                http://minkirri.apana.org.au/~abo/

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