And yet again I agree with Russel. Guess I don't say it that often..
If I compare the amount of mails that contain a complaint (debian-isp,
security etc) with the amount of spam (or mail sent blindly).. it's a tough
call to make. 

In every setup of the mailinglist you will find points that can't be
controlled by any piece of software.. we are all humans, and bound to
make mistakes one day or another, and spam is created by people who think
they can profit of it.

And when it comes to online-games like that war game dwarf was whining about, 
people do stupid things just to get attention, and hope somebody clicks.. 
even if it means to sacrifice an e-mail adres/domain.

oohwell.. I still know how to use the delete function in my mail-client, and
willing to do so for the 5 pieces a month coming from this list.

On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 01:25:50PM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
> On Fri, 2 May 2003 09:00, Tarragon Allen wrote:
> > 2) could the goddamn reply address be set to go back to the LIST rather
> > than to the original sender? I don't know how many times I've clicked
> > Reply, typed out a message, and only realised at the last second that it's
> > going to go direct to the original sender rather than the list (requiring a
> > quick jump back to the original message, click on Reply All, cut and paste
> > the list address .. ). It's annoying to have to remember to do this every
> > time.
> The problem with reply-to-list is that messages which are written in a hurry 
> with little thought will all go to the list.
> This means that lists which implement it have more "me too" type messages and 
> flame wars tend to remain on the list rather than being taken to private 
> mail.
> If you give a message so little thought that you forgot to address it 
> correctly then it's probably not a message that 10,000 people on the list 
> really want to read.


-- Mark Lijftogt

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