Please could some one help, i can't get php page to connect via port 3306
, i have set mysqld to listen on ip interfaces in the config. i have
created a user in the in User and db with permitions but still get the
following errors ..

Warning: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL
server in /home/web/ on line 7

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Host '' is not allowed to
connect to this MySQL server in
/home/web/ on line 7
couldn't connect to sever

this is my test page ..

$user = "web";
$pass = "test";
$db = "mail";
$link = mysql_connect( "",$user,$pass);
if (! $link )
        die( "couldn't connect to sever");
print "Successfully connected to server <p>";
mysql_select_db( $db )
        or ( "couldn't open $db: ".mysql_error());
print "Successfully connected database \"$db\"<p>";

Many thanks

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