On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, [iso-8859-1] Tomās Núņez Lirola wrote:

> Hi
> I want to put an antivirus on the mail server (BugBear helped me to convince
> my boss). Now is time for wondering about licenses.
> Kaspersky and F-Prot (two examples) have a product for a mail server. If I use
> their product for a personal use (wich license price is a 5% of the mail
> server license) with amavis, am I doing something illegal? Does the license
> permit its use with amavis?
> I need to know it for sure... so can anyone help me?
> However, the open alternatives (clamav, openantivirus, etc) are stable enough?
> They get updated fast enough?

Openantivirus is outdated by clamav, and clamav is very stable on all 3 of
my servers, bugbear was picked up by quickly enough for me. Definetly
worth using IMHO. works with amavis (all MTA's), exiscan (exim3), and
MIMEDEfang (sendmail milter), in my setups. I'm very pleased.



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