On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 09:12:38AM -0400, Gene Grimm wrote:

> What is the best method of testing mail servers to determine if they are
> susceptible to being exploited as an open relay? We have several mail
> servers that I want to verify are "secured". Also, I have been having
> problems with sending mail, specifically to AOL users, through my Zoom
> Internet account at home. I'm not entirely sure I believe Zoom when they say
> that their systems are not open relays. Plus I am considering configuring a
> "relay MTA" on my home Debian box to route all of my outgoing mail through
> our own office mail servers. Are there any HOWTO's describing ways of
> creating a secure relay channel between remote MTA's?


The software they use for testing open relays is pretty advanced.

Venlig hilsen/Kind regards
Thomas Kirk
tlf/phone +4570233456

"You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never
try'." -- Homer Simpson

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