On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 02:57:11PM +0100, Steen Suder, privat wrote:
> In the process of setting a little web & mail-hotel up, I've stumbled 
> over a user-suggestion that calls for a webinterface for handling 
> emailaddresses, forwards, spamfiltering and so on that is similar to the 
> UI of the IMail Server (http://www.ipswitch.com/Products/IMail_Server/).
> The MTA will probably be either Exim or Postfix as I've no interest in 
> Qmail. Local delivery is handled by what is necessary and reliable 
> (Courier, Cyrus, whatever).
> Users email access is POP3 and, secondarily, IMAP (for a few VIP-customers).

I was recently lookin at http://webcp.can-host.com/ for some

It looks like there isn't a complete open-source web/email control panel
yet. Oddly enough, I'm working on the same thing, actually a second
generation of the same thing. We've got one in place at $COMPANY1 right
now, but the interface sucks and the billing isn't integrated with the
provisioning. So version 2.0 will do all that together AND make coffee
for us! :)    Version 2.0 will be put online at $COMPANY2 and possibly
be packaged up and released open source. We have not yet decided. 

If you come across anything else that looks useful to you, please feel
free to let the list know, so we can also check it out. If we release
our version publicly, I'll be sure to let people know via this list (as
it'll be packaged in .deb format only - at least by us - someone else
can make RPM's :) 




+ It's simply not       | John Keimel            +
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