Thanks, that sounds like a perfectly good way to solve the problem.

I never thought to use another distro's kernel. 

I guess it does not really hurt anything to use the RedHat kernel on a
Debian system. Actually, I forgot that RedHat has been making a big effort to 
create a kernel that would run high memory Oracle systems.

Thus, RedHat probably has the most experienced kernel package developers for
high memory support.

> Producing a good kernel for serious server use is a lot of work.  Red
> Hat has
> many good kernel coders working 40+ hours a week on back-porting code
> from
> 2.6, writing drivers for various unsupported hardware, and merging the
> best
> patches that float by the l-k list.
> There's no reason for Debian to try to reproduce this effort, the Red
> Hat
> kernel source is entirely GPL, there's no reason not to use it.  I've
> been
> meaning to package it for Debian...

Ted Knab
Chester, MD 21619


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