
I have a small problem with the planning of my CyberCenter:

In Strasbourg I have a Virtual-Webserver with the 'www' Host and the 
'strasbourg' Host. The internet connectivity is quiet well...

This Server is in the same time the Router/Firewall and has 3 NIC's. 
(external interface, admin-net and public-net with all the Workstations)

Internal I have a nfs-Server where my Clients have a little Diskspace 
(50 MByte) for Web (~/public_html) and Mail (~/Maildir). The Server is 
running courier-(imap,mta) and apache. 

Then I have in different villes/countries POP's (other CyberCenters) 
which have its own nfs-Servers. 

So I have following public:

www.ccenter.org         Main Web-Server
strasbourg.ccenter.org  nfs/apache/courier-Server where clients have:
                        E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        Web:    strasbourg.ccenter.org/~client/
utopia.ccenter.org      same as 'strasbourg'

Now the Problem:

The internet connectivity is in some locations only V.90 or ISDN, so 
Web/Mail-Services are not possible permanently. 


All Web/Mail-Activity is routet via Strasbourg...

OK, I can poll the Problem-POP's through a squid-cache using wget...

But HOW ?

...and if I collect the Mail in Strasbourg, how can I send it effectif 
to Problem-POP's ? 

I was thinking on collecting Mails and put it onto a shttp-cgi, which 
tar it up after a wget-request (e.g. all 30 minutes). Then on the 
Problem-POP it will decompressed and forward all Messages to procmail...

Any suggestions ?


P.S.:   The Location is Ercec (Turkey) and Khoy (Iran) and there is 
        nothing ! 

Registered Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.

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