Hello debian-isp,

  i have a /24 and i have reverse delegations on this IP-Space.
  So i have i file it calls:

  i put in the File following text:

$TTL 12h
$ORIGIN 28.129.82.in-addr.arpa.
@             IN      SOA   ns1.dwl-dns.de. hostmaster.dwleasing.de. (

                    2003123101 ; serial number
                    3h         ; refresh
                    15m        ; update retry
                    3w         ; expiry
                    24h         ; minimum
                    IN          NS      ns1.dwl-dns.de.
                    IN          NS      ns2.dwl-dns.de.

1               IN      PTR     gateway.dwleasing.de.

Our ISP said that it must be work but it didnt.
Maybe i think ripe didnt know my Nameservers.
Anyone know how i can ask Ripe if my NameServer accepted for rdns?

Best wishes,

DWL-Deutsche Webleasing oHG
Daniel Holze
Technical Director
Hanauer Landstrasse 320
D-60314 Frankfurt

Telefon: +49 (0)69 403 57 990
Telefax: +49 (0)69 403 57 991


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