Thanks, Where can I find last bugfixes or history of bugfix of Debian . 
Maybe you know FreeBSD is more clearly history then other OSs. 

I consider some things too, Does Debian end can be like Redhat and Suse ,
because after redhat , debian is really most used OS ?! 


-----Original Message-----
From: George Georgalis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: FreeBSD/ Redhat / Debian

On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 06:00:55PM -0500, George Georgalis wrote:
>On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 09:58:48PM +0200, Vahric MUHTARYAN wrote:
>>Hi Everybody , 
>>      I will be new user of Debian. For quick tour I want to learn and I
>>want to get your advise about Comparing other OS with Debian . 
>>      Do you have any link about some test with Debian and athor OS, 
>>Please share you exprience with me .. 
>I've not had time to look closely at this, but I've heard it's a
>fair linux/bsd comparison
>let me know if anyone sees an inaccuracy!

okay just took a closer look, it's bsd biased. but
if you want to know why BSD lovers love BSD you have
some good arguments, just remember, there is more
to Linux than in this article. Every OS/distro has
idiosyncrasies, weigh the benefits and choose the
idiosyncrasies you want to deal with. The author
obviously hasn't chosen Linux idiosyncrasies.

BTW - re RedHat vs Debian. RH is slanted more toward
GUI administration/philosophy while Debian allows you
a finer control but more controls are pushed to the
command line. Debian is easier/better for me but RH is
more popular in some industries, for example.

// George

George Georgalis, Admin/Architect   cell: 646-331-2027    <IXOYE><
Linux Infrastructure, Security      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       
Services, Multimedia and Metrics.   

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