Hmm, that's a sticky widget.  Have you tried any other HD benchmarks and
gotten similar results?  I think we need that to narrow it down to either a
Bonnie or hardware issue.  It could be that some of ur disks are preparing
to die.  I have seen that before, a disk that's getting flaky will do
strange things.  If you can get your ear near the disk or put your finger on
it you should be able to tell if it starts thrashing.  If it's thrashing
when you know it shouldn't, I'ld pop that sucker ASAP.  If the unnatural
thrashing coincides with the throughput drop then I think you have ur
culprit.  (do this with all the relevent disks of course)  Now if the
hardware's fine then there's almost no telling where the problem lies
without extensive trial and error testing.  Russell you might want to make a
super debug version of Bonnie that gathers statistics from each step in the
pipeline from the application to the platter.  I would look very closely at
the RAID controller driver.  I'm in the middle of a fight right now with
Adaptec over file corruption and I eventually narrowed it down to the
driver.  They want to blame everything except themselves.

Incidentally, if ur thinking of upgrading ur storage system check this mugga

Good luck, let me know if you discover anything.

" cede males"


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