Hi !

As I said in previous post on that mailling list, I'm developping a tool for
website hosting called Domain Technologie Control.

[Package description]
Domain Technologie Control (DTC) is a set of PHP scripts and a web interface
that manage a MySQL database that handles all the host information. It
generates backup scripts, statistic calculation scripts, and config files
for bind, Apache, qmail, and proftpd, using a single system UID/GID. With
DTC, you can delegate the task of creating subdomains, email, and FTP
accounts to users for the domain names they own, and monitor bandwidth per
user and service.
[/Package description]

I wish to implement mailling list management to my software for all virtual
domains. DTC uses qmail, so it has to be compatible with it. DTC will
generate all config file for the given mailling list manager.

I heard majordomo was good, is there something better ? I could not find it
in debian stable, it seems it is a licence problem... Any sugestions ?

Best regards,

    Thomas GOIRAND

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