Quick update . . .

After sitting here thinking about it for a moment, I did ifconfig and got
the ip number of the ppp0 connection and accessed that.

It was able to make the username without it reverting to null, but wouldn't
accept the activation unless I changed the link to show the IP number and
not tactful.ods.org.

Is it beginning to sound like a DNS/Apache issue ?  Any hints would be


----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Brooks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <debian-isp@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:10 PM
Subject: PHP Nuke 7.0

> I am using debian 3.0, updated to testing.
> The problem I have is when the site is accessed over the Internet, and
> someone tries to create a new user, the username they have chosen is wiped
> out and " null " is in it's place.
> The problem doesn't occur when accessing it via the LAN.
> At first it was the wrong version of PHP at fault ( I thought ) which
> neccessitated the change to testing for the later version.
> The domain name is through ods.org, and resolves fine for email & ssh, and
> apache
>     http://tactful.ods.org/uptime.html   ud display
>     http://tactful.ods.org/phpsysinfo/    sysinfo - so I know PHP is
>     http://tactful.ods.org/server-info
>     http://tactful.ods.org/server-status    apache info - enabled so you
> look to help :)
>     http://tactful.ods.org/
>     http://tactful.ods.org/tlctechnology/    the two websites not working
> far
> I think it can be one of the following :-
> 1.    Networking - problem with using localhost
> 2.    MySQL Config - do I need to make any adjustments to .conf files ?
> 3.    I should stick to html
> http://phpnuke.org  is the website I got it from originally.
> Any comments or suggestions would be highly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Richard
> (no comments about posting from XP - please )
> --
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