
On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 15:45:37 +0200 Michelle Konzack

> >> I like to have OpenView under Linux ;-)
> Maybe it has its price, but it the right thing to control several 

        - how many systems
        - how deep (from just PING to complete SNMP and more)
        - how often

The higher any value, the more load on network and NWM system
ressources, so beware...

> >Nagios as a frontend for the whole lot...
> Never I have used the Tools bevore...

Have a look at Nagios. Really. We use(d) it very successfully within our
managed service group. The grouping feature helps A LOT. For mission
criticals the two-stage alerting is nice, too. 

Web-based it is usable from "anywhere" (client independent). You even
can create a "status wall" with a rack/shelf and serveral PCs/monitors,
each one showing a different group status page - add one or two beamers
für Houston feeling...

> But if you have 10 or more Radio-Bridges in Line it is realy hard 
> to imagine where the Error is. With a graphical tool and a landmap 
> as Background you see immediatly where the Problem it is. 

Depending on grouping you can see "onf of the Radio-Bridges RED" or:
"something in Alaska YELLOW". A map often is waaay to small for a "real
world" environment to see anything. 

But a (zoomable) map is a standard "can do" in

> I can set a Landmap as background and set my Controlpoints (Routers, 
> RadioBridges, Repeaters, DSU's,...) on it. The rest is controlled 
> via SMTP...

I guess you thought of SNMP here...

> But curently I have no real concept HOW TO MAKE SUCH GUI, a realy 
> intuitiv graphical user interface. 
> We need to code our own stuff and make it better.

Have a look at Nagios ( and Cheops
( before starting at ZERO again. 

BigSister ( and BigBrother are
probably a leage below your requirements as they do not offer (IIRC)
a grouping that's compact enough.

Checks should be highly configurable (ping one router, read nearly all
SNMP from the next), should support grouping in configuration (i.e. done
once for all 7205's, once for all Sun E450s etc.) and display. Nagios is
nice here - again.

Have a DEEP look and some hands-on tests with Nagios before rolling your
own. I've not tested Cheops, but it looks a bit like what you have in
mind, too.


Volker Tanger
ITK Security

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