On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 05:17, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Am 2004-04-26 12:04:18, schrieb Andreas John:
> >Hi!
> >
> >I guess you will try out several others and end up with nagios :)
> >Try "apt-cache search monit" and you will find some.
> >
> >rgds,
> >j.
> Hello, 
> I think, he will come back to 'nagios'. ;-)
> Greetings
> Michelle

I wonder, has nagios evolved since I've tried it last? Personally, I use
Big Brother. 
IIRC, nagios could check for open ports, and general stuff but nothing
like this:

The reds page me, yellow pages if it's yellow for a while, green leaves
me alone. 

******BB Example*******
green Fri Apr 30 20:26:05 MDT 2004 
MySQL Replication is OK.
Client reports Read Master Log Position as 267748466 .

******BB Example*******
green Fri Apr 30 20:50:23 MDT 2004 All processes are OK
green clamd >=1 - 1 instance running 
green amavisd >=1 - 11 instances running 
green mysql >=1 - 134 instances running 
green named >=1 - 1 instance running 
green cron >=1 - 1 instance running 
green bbrun >=1 - 3 instances running 
******BB Example*******
yellow Fri Apr 30 20:52:02 MDT 2004 up: 3 days, 0 users, 49 procs, load=759
LOAD AVG on backup is 759
******BB Example*******
yellow /var/adm/messages (scanned at Fri Apr 30 20:37:59 MDT 2004)
Apr 30 18:48:11 db unix: WARNING: [AFT1] Uncorrectable Memory Error on CPU0 
Data access at TL=0, errID 0x002890d1.a047e8ef
Apr 30 18:48:11 db unix: WARNING: [AFT1] Uncorrectable Memory Error on CPU0 
Data access at TL=0, errID 0x002890d1.a047e8ef
Apr 30 18:48:11 db unix: WARNING: [AFT1] errID 0x002890d1.a047e8ef Syndrome 0x3 
indicates that this may not be a memory module problem
Apr 30 18:48:11 db unix: WARNING: [AFT1] errID 0x002890d1.a047e8ef Syndrome 0x3 
indicates that this may not be a memory module problem
Apr 30 18:48:11 db unix: WARNING: [AFT1] initiating reboot due to above error 
in pid 419 (oracle)
Apr 30 18:48:11 db unix: WARNING: [AFT1] initiating reboot due to above error 
in pid 419 (oracle

******BB Example*******
=============== Oracle Instance Check ================

green Instances specified in ORACLE_SIDS (prod) match those found in 


green Listener UP

=================== Oracle Listener ===================

        LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version  - Production on 30-APR-2004 20:44:58
        (c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
        STATUS of the LISTENER
        Alias                     LISTENER
        Version                   TNSLSNR for Solaris: - Production
        Start Date                30-APR-2004 20:39:10
        Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 5 min. 47 sec
        Trace Level               off
        Security                  OFF
        SNMP                      OFF
        Listener Parameter File   /oracle/product/network/admin/listener.ora
        Listener Log File         /oracle/product/network/log/listener.log
        Services Summary...
          PLSExtProc            has 1 service handler(s)
          prod          has 1 service handler(s)
          prod          has 2 service handler(s)
        The command completed successfully


green Database prod processes UP

============== Oracle Instance Processes ==============
******BB Example*******


Dan Vande More

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