Op vr, 14-01-2005 te 01:47 -0800, schreef TR RCPG:
> > > I need something simple and yet with enough power.
> > 
> > Well, then exim will certainly do. One of its
> > original design decisions
> > was "let's not make things needlessly complicated",
> > but it is extremely
> > powerful.
> I agree, but the manual is so BIG!


> Thats the greatest problem: reading it all and remembering details.

I never read the entire manual; doing that makes no sense at all. What
you really want to do is to get yourself acquainted with the most
important concepts, and search the manual (hit '/' in info) when you
need to know a specific detail; and if you can't find the detail, ask
here or over on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In my view, those 'most important concepts' are routers, transports,
ACLs, and (especially) string expansion. If you read the manual's
introduction on those topics and make sure you understand the example
configuration file (/usr/share/doc/exim4/examples/example.conf.gz),
you'll know where to go from there.

> Any shorter doc that you know about it? 

I only ever used the manual and the example config file :-)

     smog  |   bricks
 AIR  --  mud  -- FIRE
soda water |   tequila
 -- with thanks to fortune

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