Giorgio Bompiani ha scritto:
Buona giornata a tutti.
Ho una webcam risalente al giurassico USB Philips 675, ma il mio portatile con etch la riconosce.
Che programma posso usare per registrare un filmato in locale?

dovresti poter utilizzare ffmpeg con qualcosa del tipo:

ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -s 320x240 -i /dev/video1 -f audio_device -ac 2 -i /dev/dsp2 -f mp4 test.mp4

Oppure vedere se riesci con vlc.

Io con il driver uvc (che non credo perĂ² vada bene per la tua specifica webcam) uso anche guvcview.

enjoy, ;)


"The paradigm of competition is a race: by
rewarding the winner, we encourage everyone
to run faster. When capitalism really works
this way, it does a good job; but its defenders
are wrong in assuming it always works this way.
If the runners forget why the reward is offered
and become intent on winning, no matter how, they
may find other strategies--such as, attacking
other runners. If the runners get into a fist
fight, they will all finish late."
(GNU manifesto/R. Stallman)

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