Ciao Davide,
e un saluto "evocativo" si propaga a tutti i partecipanti alla lista ... :-))

Davide Prina wrote:
ahi, ahi, ahi, ... top quoting ... questo è male! ;-)

A.A. wrote:
Che debian sia derivata da un'altra distribuzione mi giunge nuova.

qualche anno fa ne avevamo parlato qui in lista ... era stata disegnata una mappa molto dettagliata di molti dei fork di varie distro ... e se non ricordo male Debian derivava da un'altra distro sconosciuta. Purtroppo ora non riesco a ritrovare la discussione e neppure un link con la mappa.

Ho pensato di fare cosa gradita riportare questo "reperto" archeologico di inestimabile valore, in cui il Papà di Debian, Jan Murdock, parla della sua "creazione" riferendosi a una distro Linux precedente la SLS (/Softlanding Linux System) ... buona lettura!


    /*From*: Ian A Murdock (

    *Date*: August 16, 1993 6:09:59 PST
    *Newsgroups*: comp.os.linux.development

    *Subject*: New release under development; suggestions requested/

    /Fellow Linuxers,/

    /This is just to announce the imminent completion of a brand-new
    Linux release, which I’m calling the Debian Linux Release. This is
    a release that I have put together basically from scratch; in
    other words, I didn’t simply make some changes to SLS and call it
    a new release. I was inspired to put together this release after
    running SLS and generally being dissatisfied with much of it, and
    after much altering of SLS I decided that it would be easier to
    start from scratch. The base system is now virtually complete
    (though I’m still looking around to make sure that I grabbed the
    most recent sources for everything), and I’d like to get some
    feedback before I add the “fancy” stuff./

/(Full post available here <>.)/

/When I posted this message a decade ago, Linux was in use by maybe a few tens of thousands of people around the world, and most of those people were either running their own homebrew Linux system or Peter MacDonald’s SLS, the Softlanding Linux System. Red Hat Software was but a twinkle in Marc Ewing’s eye./

/I had been using Linux for several months, since January of 1993. Not long after, I was hooked. Like most other early Linux enthusiasts, what hooked me was not Linux itself, but rather the community that had formed around it./

/It’s difficult to remember, because open source and open development projects are commonplace now, but in 1993, what I saw happening seemed completely illogical. How could people without any master plan, from different parts of the world, speaking different languages and not getting paid, come together to build something as complex as an operating system? The fascinating thing was that /it worked/./

Au Revoire
Hugh Hartmann

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