Ciao a tutti!
Siccome mi sembra non sia ancora passato in lista, giro quanto ricevuto sulla mailing list di libreoffice, chè mi sembra che qui sia in topic!
Saluti :)

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: [libreoffice-documentation] [OT] Please help set The Debian Administrator’s Handbook free!
Data:   Mon, 23 Apr 2012 10:43:23 -0400
Mittente:       Fabian Rodriguez <>

Hash: SHA1

This is somewhat off-topic, although about free software documentation
and a funding model to freely license a book I consider specially
important for many system administrators that will also be taking care
of LibreOffice large deployments sometime soon (I hope) :)

I personally contributed to this, and would like to encourage this lists
subscribres to also consider contributing, specially so close to the
goal! Perhaps even TDF itself would like to contribute as an organisation.

"The BackTrack Team is proud to have contributed 1000 EUR to the Debian
Administrator’s Handbook<>  liberation fund
<>. This book, written by two
Debian developers, is a welcome addition to any administrator’s
bookshelf. Debian is very popular on servers and it’s also the base
distribution from which BackTrack is forged.

Security is not in rest in this book since a full chapter
<>  is dedicated to
the topic. It covers setting up a firewall, monitoring, intrusion
detection systems, setting up SELinux policies, dealing with a
compromised machine, and gives many thoughful advice to define a
security policy within your organization.

The authors have pledged to release the book under an open source
license if the associated “liberation fund” reaches 25,000 EUR. Today,
there’s less than 3,000 EUR to raise and we invite you to contribute as
well. By giving 10 EUR or more, you’ll get a copy of the ebook as soon
as it’s available (even if the liberation fund is not completed). Click
here to contribute now<>."


Fabián Rodríguez

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