On 18/01/2018 23:07, Luca Costantino wrote:

interessante risposta sulla domanda: saranno compilati tutti i pacchetti con retpoline abilitato:

The immediate specific need for the GCC update in oldstable and stable
is the Linux kernel, there are no plans to rebuild other packages in
released distributions at this point.

We might add this to the dpkg-buildflags default flags for buster
as a generic hardening measure, but that requires additional
work/consideration/discussion. Fortunately the buster freeze is
still quite some time away, so we're in the comfortable position
to evaluate without time pressure.

Traduco brevemente: su stable/oldstable non c'è nessun piano. Potrebbero pensare di abilitare il flag di default su testing, ma devono ancora pensarci e valutare bene


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