On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 08:55:57PM +0100, Farnis wrote:
> Attualemente uso:
> .,-''-,..,-''-,..,-''-,..,-''-,..,-''-,..,-''-,..,-''-,..,-''-,. 
> poll popmail.libero.it timeout 60 with proto POP3
> user [EMAIL PROTECTED] there
> with password nonteladiṛmai
> is peeppo here options fetchall keep

se usi fetchall e' normale che tu scarichi sempre tutto. 

Christian Surchi, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   ICQ     
www.debian.org - www.softwarelibero.it - www.firenze.linux.it    | 38374818
Ben, perche' non me lo hai detto?       -- Luke Skywalker

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