On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 02:21:44AM +0100, Lo'oRiS il Kabukimono wrote:
> Ho scoperto con tristezza che la splashimage non ? supportata di default
> da grub. Allora ho scaricato il .src.rpm del grub della redhat e ci ho
> trovato dentro molte patch. Una sola di queste patch sembra avere a che
> fare con lo splashimage, cos? l'ho applicata (con successo), ho lanciato
> autoconf, configure, make, make install, grub-install.
> Per? continua a non funzionare!!!!!!!!!!!! >:-(
> sono 3 ore che ci sto provando e ora ci rinuncio... spero che qualcuno
> riesca a darmi una mano...

intanto questa notizia : 

>>Hi Samuele, redhat has added this support to there package, I'm one of the
>>upstream developers and we currently don't wish to support this feature,
>>it will get added, but not yet, grub is still alpha software and we
>>would like to get it stable first.
>>If you'd like to add this feature for your own use I can find/send you
>>patches which you can apply to the debian package and rebuild.
>>On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 02:19:46AM +0100, Samu wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> today a friend of mine installed a redhat 7.2 :-( with grub ( :-) )
>>> grub for redhat is "shipped"  with some feature which i didn't find 
>>> on debian sid grub ( neither on grub website ) .
>>> For example a funny option: splashimage to set a background xpm on the 
>>> title 
>>> menu of grub.
>>> So i started to look to grub documentation of debian and the one online on
>>> grub webpage , but is not mentioned ....
>>> Do you know if R.H. has changed grub to best fit his "policy" or is it a new
>>> feature of grub cvs that will be available soon ? 

poi il grub di redhat non e' uguale a quello di debian (pezzi di codice
mancanti al solito ) ergo la patch di rh non funzia su debian ... devi capire
com'e' fatta e poi aggiungere a mano le righe ... insomma la solita schifezza.


Samuele Giovanni Tonon  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.linuxasylum.net/~samu/
                Acid -- better living through chemistry.
                               Timothy Leary

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