> io non ho nessun file /boot/boot-bmp.b o /boot/boot-menu.b. come mai? 
> nel mio lilo.conf c'è install=menu.

# lilo -V
LILO version 22.5.1

da man lilo.conf:
              Selects the user interface which  will  be  seen  at
              boot  time.   One of the following three options may
              be specified:  text, menu, or bmp.  The  traditional
              LILO  interface  is  `text';  but  `menu' is now the
              default, unless the configurtion file  contains  the
              `bitmap='  specification.   The  text  interface  is
              strictly a command-line interface as though the con-
              sole  were a dumb terminal.  The menu interface is a
              text-based screen of  the  boot  choices,  with  the
              option  to enter additional command line parameters.
              And the bmp interface is a menu presented against  a
              graphic  screen,  specified as a 640x480 BitMaP file
              of 16 or 256 colors.  (See the 'lilo -E' switch  for
              editing options).

              (Prior  to  LILO  version 22.3, `install=' specified
              the user interface as a file in the  `/boot'  direc-


> > bitmap=/usr/share/lilo/contrib/sid.bmp
> > install=/boot/boot-bmp.b

tra l'altro con la prima riga specificata la seconda dovrebbe essere
superflua o perlomeno


              Specifies use of a 640x480x16  bitmap  file  as  the
              background  on  which a boot menu is displayed.  May
              not be used if 'message=' is specified.  Use of this
              option  will  select  a  bitmap-capable boot loader,
              unless overridden with "install=" (see below).

prima di qualunque modifica si consiglia fortemente la lettura di


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