Il mer, 2003-08-13 alle 19:23, P|pes ha scritto:
> utilizzo sia gqview che gthumb, ma per poter girare le immagini e
> salvarle devo per forza aprire gimp... c'e' qualcosa di piu' veloce?
> grazie

apt-get install imagemagick
imagemagick - Image manipulation programs
Imagemagick is a set of programs to manipulate various image formats
 (JPEG, TIFF, PhotoCD, PBM, XPM, etc...). All manipulations can
 be achieved through shell commands as well as through a X11 graphical
 interface (display).
 Possible effects: colormap manipulation, channel operations, thumbnail
 creation, image annotation, limited drawing, image distortion, etc...

oppure  ImageJ in background (ma sto ancora facendo il deb ...)

Paolo Ariano                                  
Neuroscience PhD Student                      
DBAU & INFM Turin (Italy)                     

I bravi ragazzi vanno in Paradiso, i cattivi in Giro -
<Riccardo M.  

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