On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 13:21:03 +0100
Vinz486 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ma che succede?

>  You are attempting to install a kernel version that is the same as
>  the version you are currently running (version 2.4.27-2-686-smp).
> The modules list is quite likely to have been changed, and the
> modules dependency file /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-686-smp/modules.dep
> needs to be re-built. It can not be built correctly right now, since
> the module list for the running kernel are likely to be different
> from the kernel installed. I am creating a new modules.dep file, but
> that may not be correct. It shall be regenerated correctly at next
> reboot.
>  I repeat: you have to reboot in order for the modules file to be
>  created correctly. Until you reboot, it may be impossible to load
>  some modules. Reboot as soon as this install is finished (Do not
>  reboot right now, since you may not be able to boot back up until
>  installation is over, but boot immediately after). I can not stress
>  that too much. You need to reboot soon.

Hanno aggiornato il kernel 2.4 di sarge



Marco Bertorello                System Administrator
Linux Registered User #319921   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"I videogiochi non influenzano i bambini. Voglio dire, se Pac-Man avesse
influenzato la nostra generazione, staremmo tutti saltando in sale
scure, masticando pillole magiche e ascoltando musica elettronica
                     - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc. 1989

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