Grazie Fabio, ci sono riuscito!

Ecco la configurazione:

1. la porta è ok
> # Port to listen on.
> #
> Port 8888

2. l'ip è quello di Hamachi del server ove gira il proxy
> # If you have multiple interfaces this allows you to bind to only one. If
> # this is commented out, tinyproxy will bind to all interfaces present.
> #
> Listen

3. il Bind non l'ho specificato
> # The Bind directive allows you to bind the outgoing connections to a
> # particular IP address.
> #
> # Bind

4. Qui ho inserito l'ip hamachi del client
> # The following is the authorization controls. If there are any access
> # control keywords then the default action is to DENY. Otherwise, the
> # default action is ALLOW.
> #
> # Also the order of the controls are important. The incoming connections
> # are tested against the controls based on order.
> #
> Allow
> Allow
> # Allow

5. Qui ho inserito la porta del server irc cui mi devo connettere
> # This is a list of ports allowed by tinyproxy when the CONNECT method
> # is used.  To disable the CONNECT method altogether, set the value to 0.
> # If no ConnectPort line is found, all ports are allowed (which is not
> # very secure.)
> #
> # The following two ports are used by SSL.
> #
> ConnectPort 6667

Su Xchat ho poi configurato nelle impostazioni proxy l'ip di hamachi del
server, la porta 8888 ed ho configurato come tipo "http" e "usa proxy
per" -> "server irc".

Perfetto! Grazie dell'aiuto...

enjoy, ;)

"The paradigm of competition is a race: by
rewarding the winner, we encourage everyone
to run faster. When capitalism really works
this way, it does a good job; but its defenders
are wrong in assuming it always works this way.
If the runners forget why the reward is offered
and become intent on winning, no matter how, they
may find other strategies--such as, attacking
other runners. If the runners get into a fist
fight, they will all finish late."
(GNU manifesto/R. Stallman)

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