On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 12:16:47PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote :
> On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Hugues Marilleau wrote:
> > You should look in /var/log/jserv.log, the error messages are generally 
> > more explicit than in /var/log/apache/error.log for the Jserv stuff.
> [29/08/2000 11:43:43:737 CEST] java.lang.NullPointerException: 
>       at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.testConditional(HttpServlet.java:334)
>       at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:270)
>       at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:311)
>       at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(JServConnection.java:314)
>       at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.run(JServConnection.java:188)
>       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java)

I didn't have things like that, I think it is a problem with one of
your servlet, are you running some servlet ? I use only Cocoon (not
the .deb included in Debian because it is too old, I take a binary tgz
and installed in /usr/local) and Jwebmail (a servlet WebMail, a .deb
is provided by the author).

> > And look at http://localhost/status/jserv/, you should see a lot of 
> > infos about Jserv.
>                 Configured hosts              Mapped servlet engines
>              wr-linux02.rki.de (current)      ajpv12://localhost:8007
>               Parameter              Value 
>           Server Name             wr-linux02.rki.de 
>           ApJServManual           FALSE (AUTOMATIC OPERATION) 
>           ApJServProperties       /etc/jserv/jserv.properties 
>           ApJServDefaultProtocol  ajpv12 (PORT 8007) 
>           ApJServDefaultHost      localhost (ADDR 
>           ApJServDefaultPort      8007 
>           ApJServLogFile          DISABLED (DESCRIPTOR -3) 
>                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> (I remember my fight to get ServletOutput get logged into the jserv.log
>  file.  May be it will start again now, because I had to wipe out my
>  working JServ configuration because it didn't worked with the final
>  potato package.  May be someone can tell me how to enable that *any*
>  information is logged)

I have also the "ApJServLogFile          DISABLED (DESCRIPTOR -3)" but
things are logged (I should read the doc to see exactly why, but it's
working, so I don't care).

For the "any information logged", isn't this in /etc/jserv/jserv.conf
can do the stuff :

# Log Level for this module
# Syntax: ApJServLogLevel [debug|info|notice|warn|error|crit|alert|emerg]
# Default: info    (unless compiled w/ JSERV_DEBUG, in which case it's debug)
ApJServLogLevel notice

>           ApJServMountCopy        TRUE 
>           ApJServShmFile          undefined 
> MountPoint Server            Protocol Host                      Port Zone Status
> /servlets/ wr-linux02.rki.de ajpv12  localhost (ADDR 8007 root 
> /servlet/  wr-linux02.rki.de ajpv12  localhost (ADDR 8007 root 

I've got the same (standard stuff).

> By the way: Does somebody know, why lynx doesn't show the information of
> localhost in favour of the host I have configured as squid proxy cache???
> It's strange: Netscape shows the information above, but lynx shows the
> information from host wr-linux01 which has also a running JServ etc.

I can't answer this one, I 've got just one machine and no squid proxy
cache configured in my lynx.

> > And I don't know that libpgjava was here, I compiled the JDBC PG driver
> > from the pg source. It worked perfectly, but it is duplication of 
> > efforts :/
> For sure it is.  But it may be worth a try if I would install your deb.

Sorry, I didn't installed a deb for the JDBC driver and I have not make
one (not the knowledge to make deb). But I can send you my postgresql.jar,
it is 177 ko and works with postgresql 7.0.2-4.

> Could you foreward it to me in any way (120kB doesn't seem to much for
> my mailbox but I could obtain it anywhere via ftp/http).
> May be I could find some differences?

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