On Sat, 2002-08-31 at 11:20, Stefan Gybas wrote:
> Mark Howard wrote:
> > 1) Does anyone know of any apache ant clone in main. Or, is there any
> > chance of ant being moved to main in the near future. 
> I don't know of any Ant clone bu I'm working on moving Ant (and some 
> other Java packages) to main. I'll split ant into ant in main and 
> ant-optional (which builds optional.jar and the docs) in contrib but for 
> this we need to clarify the possible license problems with Kaffe first 
> or get it to work with GIJ.
excellent, thanks. What are the main problems with making it work with

> > My proposed package names:
> This looks good to me, except that libgtk-0.8-java-doc should be named 
> libgtk0.8-java-doc for consistency.
of course. That was just a typo :)

| Mark Howard               cam.ac.uk   mh344@ |
| http://www.tildemh.com    tildemh.com    mh@ |

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