On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 15:59:33 +0200
Stefan Gybas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> > Hi Stefan, I'm  migrating my libgef-java to CBDS but I  do not think you
> > did  commit your  changes  to libcommons-beanutils-java  to pkg-java  on
> > Alioth?   I'd  like   to  see   your  complete   debian/rules   and  you
> > debian/control files. 
> No, I did not commit the changes, simply because it's not my package. :-)
> In debian/control, I just added "Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 
> 4.1)". debian/rules is the one that I've posted in my initial mail but 
> since the formatting with TABs might be lost, I'm also attaching it here.

Thanks, I'm  making progress and did that.  As you can see  in a private
mail (I'll send a complete  example when everything will be finished), I
do have problems to specify the location of a build.xml file that is not
in '.' ;)

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
 : :' :     Arnaud   Vandyck
 `. `'   http://alioth.debian.org/users/arnaud-guest/
   `-    http://alioth.debian.org/developer/diary.php?diary_user=2781

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