Hallo Jan,

--- Jan Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo Dalibor,
> Just a short reply. I'm running out of time... :) And BTW: no need to
> CC me. I hope I have set the required headers...

Sorry about the CC:, I use to hit the reply all button automatically ;)
> * Dalibor Topic wrote:

> So again, this is a no-no. I just thought, that it's always this tree.
> I get more and more the impression, that the only way is to
> * interface to unfree VMs (wqhich should be ~100% sun compatible

And this means providing some java & javac wrapper scripts, setting CLASSPATH
etc, right?

> * test all free java versions.
> * interface to ant, so that the build time testing is as easy as
>   possible.

what's an interface to ant? Do you mean setting up ant for use with a
particular VM/compiler combination?

> >> Jan, never much bothered about lizensing...
> >you should. it's very rewarding and fun ;)
> I can see that :) I just saw a bit from the GFDL discussuion on
> debian-legal. That's even better that the de-admin.news.groups
> discusions...

You should come to our semi-annual 'Does kaffe's GPL license apply to code
running on kaffe' mailing list bursts. Pure fun. Sometimes it even spills over
to debian-legal ;)

> BTW, wasn't there something, that SUN considers API information also
> under their lizense? Makeing CLASPATH basicly illegal? Hm, I'm too
> lazy to google...

I think their licensing terms for the java API specs are very ... uh ...
limiting. But as I said, kaffe is not java not a replacement for sun's

> >but an ad hoc 'let me quickly add
> >this missing package to my bootclasspath for some application'
> >approach could cause some trouble.
> Not even, when you do that in a wrapper script via --bootclasspath? Or
> in the wrapper script of the app?

That's the perfect kind of question for debian-legal ;) 

My gut feeling is that one needs to be very careful as a distributor of
copyrighted works not to create derived works that violate the licenses of
involved works. Adding missing classes to kaffe's bootclasspath from Sun's
rt.jar for example, would violate the GPL. It may work for other VMs, I don't
know, but I doubt that Sun's distribution terms allow it.

dalibor topic

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